
(Sean Pound) #1

future. If evoked intentionally and consciously, they can cause the materialization of
your dreams.

Rehearsing in your mind the feelings and emotions that accompany success, move invis-
ible forces to create visible success in your life. These happy and success feelings gen-
erate pressure on the mental and astral worlds, causing them to bring the feelings into
manifestation. Any thought associated with these feelings is moved into materialization.

Whenever we experience success, we enjoy a great exhilarating feeling. By capturing
and reliving this feeling you can turn it into the seed of a new success. If you think
about something that you really want to realize, and at the same time you consciously
generate this feeling of success in your consciousness, and stay with it, you can
achieve wonders. This is the magic wand with which you can do magic and wonders.

The Right Attitude Toward Success
If you examine your ambitions, desires and goals in a very sincere way, you may discov-
er to your amazement that you have some fears of realizing them. You want something,
but yet you are afraid to have it. You may wish for a different kind of life, but in your sub-
conscious mind you fear the change. You may desire to get married, but you are afraid of
marriage. You want to change your job, but you are afraid to make the change. This is
because the familiar gives security. You can find many examples like these.

When you have a goal, and at the same time you experience doubts and fears, you
are actually driving away the materialization of your dreams. It is like sailing against
the wind and the currents; you are pushed back all the time. These fears hide at the
back of the mind and you may not be conscious of them. Analyzing any desire you
have, and trying to find out if there is any resistance to bringing it about, will bring the
fears into the open, and enable you to throw away your fears and inner brakes.

Most people look at the world around them as something real and solid. Their minds
are chained to what they see around; their thoughts reflect their life, circumstances and
events. Rarely will someone disregard his surroundings and circumstances and create
in his mind a different situation. Surroundings and environment influence people’s life,
and they regard them as something they can do nothing about. When you become

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