
(Sean Pound) #1

Do you want a new job? Evoke feelings of certainty without doubts that you have
already got it. Do you desire a wife, a husband, a vacation, promotion, a new car, or
money? Do not entertain any doubts. Your consciousness should be focused and
assured of success.

How can you attain success if your consciousness is focused on failure and doubts?
Become aware of your consciousness, of the feeling that you are, focus on it, and at
the same time think of success and you have a mighty power at your disposal.

Instructions on the Use ofFeelings and Consciousness for Success
Whatever it is that you desire to bring about, try to feel as if it has already happened.
Re-live the happiness you experienced when you realized ambitions in the past, and
transfer this happiness and the feeling of achievement into the present moment, and
your success is assured. Feelings are very important for success. They are the current
of power that brings success. They have to be living, strong, real and sincere feelings,
in order to bring reults. Feelings add fire and energy to a thought and make it strong.
They are like the electric current, which makes instruments work.

Success consciousness is a state of inner certainty, even if your current reality is far
from what you want it to be. It does not cost you money to experience it. Do not let
doubts and contrary thoughts and feelings enter your mind, and you are on the way to
success in what you do.

Evoke the certain feeling of success. Pour fuel into this feeling, and always keep it
alive. Only by trying you will understand what I really mean. It is a state of conscious-
ness, intentionally invoked, even though the outer circumstances are to the contrary.
Consciousness has the power to create. What is in the consciousness comes out in
the end. There is nothing supernatural here, this is the way nature works.

It may take some time until Consciousness manifests your ambition and desire in the
outer world. It should be saturated with the utter certainty of success, not with just a
faint belief. There should be complete lack of doubts, and only great certainty. Under
these circumstances magic is released into the air.

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