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(Nora) #1


False pride is arrogance, an overinflated sense of self-importance. There
is no faster way to alienate those around you than by being arrogant.
False pride manifests in a person’s behavior. True pride is the opposite

  • it is internal and does not have a negative impact on behavior. True
    pride is a source of confidence, a recognition of one’s true abilities and
    accomplishments. Being responsible as a person requires that we are
    confident in our abilities so we will step up and assume responsibility.
    False pride is rooted in insecurity; people lacking in security often boast
    and try to make themselves be seen as something they are not. False
    pride does not inspire the confidence of others and does not lead to last-
    ing gains. In avoiding false pride we are seen by others as we truly are,
    and the congruence between our word and actions inspires others to
    have confidence in us.

the FIve keYs to MAsteRY

There are five keys to the mastery of personal responsibility. Mastering
these five key areas will lead to a high degree of personal responsibility,
which will improve all of your relationships and lead to a greater de-
gree of success and happiness. Mastery is difficult; it takes a concerted
effort across a period of time. By working towards mastery, however,
the benefits begin immediately. Each incremental improvement towards
personal responsibility yields positive tangible results.

PUttIng YoURselF FIRst

Putting yourself first as an essential ingredient for personal responsibil-
ity may seem counterintuitive. On the surface it may even appear rather
selfish. It is, however, anything but selfish; anything less than putting
yourself first will detract from your performance – which means you
actually do less; less for others as well as for yourself. Putting yourself
first is self caring, not selfish. You are the only adult you are respon-
sible for. You may be responsible to others, but not for them. They are
responsible for themselves. Putting yourself first means doing what is
best for you. It does not mean doing anything at the expense of others

  • that would be selfish. Nor is the choice always easy or clear. If faced
    with the decision of meeting a deadline on an important work project
    or meeting a commitment to your spouse or significant other, which do
    you choose? The choice becomes one of self-interest – of finding the

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