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(Nora) #1

Fl. would drive by the estate all the time, and it was almost a People
tourist attraction. This landmark Tyecliffe offered a unique royal ambi-
ence with majestic surroundings in South Florida’s best area.

Tyecliffe was a true masterpiece, a real visual work of art, combining
the splendor of the past with luxury and total comfort. Tyecliffe had
Disneyland-esque grounds and a Disney-style pool with a bridge, wa-
terfalls and all!

A child at heart, Michael immediately fell in love with the grounds,
caves, the wine cellar, tennis court and more! I could not believe the
Wine Cellar’s walls, ceiling and floors were constructed of hand-cut
solid granite to keep the area at a constant, cool temperature. There were
at least six different themed bars or pubs throughout the house. Even the
toilets in the castle were thrones!

The lighting in the ladies master bath used custom-made Harry Winston
crystals! Every detail was done with so much imagination. The same
type of imagination and detail Michael had always put into his music. It
was a match made in Heaven.

After his tour through the dramatic, yet comfortable grounds, Michael
said, “I want to thank you for making me feel so at ease and comfortable.
This house has such great energy, and you have made me feel safe and
warm. I really mean that. I have seen so many homes, but I feel so good
here.” As someone who has been a professional in real estate for as long
as I have, that was the ultimate compliment from the ultimate legend.

We spoke for a while and he added, “Really, I have seen countless
homes all over the world. You have been great!” I could have listened
to him for hours. I absolutely hung on every word this man said. Who

He was definitely an old soul from whom I felt I could learn so much.
Michael was a spiritual person, the way he connected with people was
very important to him. He definitely made a strong connection with me
that day.

After further conversations, I learned it really is all about how you make
a client feel. It’s all about how I made Michael feel that day, and no mat-
ter if you are the “King of Pop” or someone’s grand-pop, you need to
make them feel special at all times. The key to success in sales is having

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