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(Nora) #1

for the elements and people necessary for all the steps along the way to
your ultimate goal. Read daily on the topic of your obsession. Partici-
pate in teleseminars and webinars which are so abundantly available.
Watch videos online. Join groups or associations related to your desire.

VOLUNTEER somewhere either related to your desire or with people
who can help you with the attainment of it. I can’t stress how HUGE a
benefit volunteering can be to your future lifestyle attainment. You will
have some great experiences and meet some of the best quality people
you will ever meet! One of many life-changing, belief-changing expe-
riences I had was when I registered for a seminar somewhere around
2001; my business partner and I just asked at the door if the promoter
needed any help. As it turns out, he needed 2 people at the door so we
said sure. It was cool to be able to meet all the motivated people attend-
ing the event. We didn’t get to attend all the minutes of the event, but it
was easily offset by the thrill of being part of such an event and being
able to serve others. At the end, as the event completely wound down
and even the help was leaving, we just asked one more time, “Does the
speaker need a ride to the airport?” We were beside ourselves with joy
and excitement when the promoter said yes! So my friend Tom Hood
and I got to spend 15 minutes of face-time with the legend, Brian Tracy!

Buy every pertinent course to learn what you don’t know yet. As you
flood your mind with this input, many times just one thing you read,
hear, watch or are told will send you spinning off in a direction you
would have never conceived, and that can often be the key that unlocks
the door of success to achieving the lifestyle of your dreams. Keep in
mind it is extremely easy to end up in information overload today, re-
sulting in procrastination; don’t get caught in that trap! When you un-
cover new info, put it to work or to the test. You should expect failure
and more of it than success, but you only need to uncover that winning
strategy once, so stay with it!

You deserve to enjoy your time here on earth, and since excitement
sells your dream, be sure you do what you love, so you will be fun to
be around. All men are self made even though only the successful ones
admit it; however, many people are necessary for each individual’s suc-
cess, so be magnetic and attractive in order that you can draw the best
quality people to your team. Remember, this life is not a dress rehearsal;

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