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(Nora) #1

this great book with my longest time teacher, trainer and mentor Brian
Tracy. Do not accept the limitations that society or your peer group will
place on you. You can become world class in your chosen field! Free
your mind!

In the event that no one in your life has already done so, I tell you now
that you are valuable, you are worthy of attaining your dreams and goals
and I hereby give you not only permission, but also a commission to go
out and live your passion and thereby enrich the world!

Mike Dillard, another recent mentor of mine, advises you to declare
yourself a leader and then begin to act as one. It really is as simple as
that! People want to follow someone with definiteness-of-purpose as
outlined by Napoleon Hill! I went from being a long-haired boy from
Boston to an entrepreneur in California and I am able to offer people
from 21 countries (and growing) around the globe the opportunity to
establish financial freedom for themselves and for their loved ones. It
is most satisfying to be able to extend to people opportunity from this
great land where we are so blessed by God’s provision and mentor them
through challenges to their own great success. And with the ease of tech-
nology today, to be able to bring our success to mankind throughout the
world is just humbling and inspiring! Each of us is but a tiny speck in an
incredibly vast plan and simultaneously affecting every other speck in
ways you cannot even imagine.

We are an intricately woven fabric and each essential for the greater
good. The impact you have from each of your actions, however seem-
ingly good, bad or insignificant, ripples throughout the world, so decide
today to predetermine what initial splash you will make and watch the
ripples turn into waves that others can catch and ride to their destiny!

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