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(Nora) #1

Don’t speak to a truck driver in the King’s English, and definitely don’t
speak to your wife like you speak to employees.

leARn to ResPeCt YoUR BoDY

Fortunately and unfortunate the body you were born with is the only
one you get. While genetics have a say in the cards you were given, you
have an amazing amount of control over how you can support, accept
and enjoy your body. There is a saying that I heard often as a young
man, that youth was wasted on the young. I have come to disagree with
this point of view. I have met the most depressing young people as well
as octogenarians more vibrant and curious than teenagers. Take care of
your body, push it beyond it’s comfort zone and be conscious of the fuel
you feed it. Each body seems to be somewhat unique; the rules that ap-
ply to one do not apply to all. Find what works for you and embrace it.

sex Is A gIFt

Our culture has made the discussion of sex a taboo conversation, ei-
ther denigrated by the topic of pornography or solely for the purpose of
procreation. Sex is as natural as life itself, and presents an opportunity
to embrace another human being in ways that transform your experi-
ence of the world. Be respectful of your body and the body of others.
Demand that from your mates and never give up on engaging the sexual
aspect of who you are.

FInD YoUR oUtlet oR It WIll FInD YoU

Everyone experiences fear, anxiety, pain or just plain old stress. How
you deal with it will serve you and those around you, or it will be weight
on your shoulders. There is no set rule on how to handle the discomfort
in life – exercise, meditation, therapy, conversation, reading, or some
other activity. Just know that challenges will happen. If you avoid find-
ing ways for you to process the pain, your stress will find a way to
manifest itself in your life.

stRIve FoR MAsteRY In WhAt YoU Do

Having skills and understanding in the top 10% on any one subject is
not rocket science. Most people are not motivated. By reading as much
as you can on a subject and applying yourself with some thoughtful con-

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