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(Nora) #1

FeAR Is JUst An eMotIon

Fear ebbs and flows, don’t be shocked when it surfaces. Learn to ac-
knowledge its existence, do a gut check for your personal safety then
push your limits as much as you can. Once you learn to act even when
you are fearful, you begin to have power over your fears.

sURRoUnD YoURselF WIth A sUPPoRtIve sPheRe

Truth, Comfort, Inspiration and Intelligence – We need supportive
people around us to thrive. When I was young, my father used to say
“choose your friends wisely as they will support you the only way they
know how.” I choose to surround myself with positive people, people
who are smarter than I am, have different interests, ones that will push
me to be better, comfort me when I need it and above all, people that I
can respect. Who will you surround yourself with?

Create a digital footprint that you can be proud of and that supports who
you are.

It’s not what you say, it’s what’s found via search – just make sure your
footprint doesn’t come back ‘to bite you in the ass.’ There is no such
thing as privacy in the digital world. Your online world is your resume, a
representation of your influence and a connector to friends, family, work
and those unknown. Treat it as such.

DRess BetteR, eAt BetteR AnD
keeP YoURselF CleAn

Unfortunately, we are vain and visual creatures that make snap decisions
upon what we first process. Your outside presentation has an impact on
how others view you and your ability to be heard. Make sure the decision
that you make regarding your appearance matches your desired outcome.

Be ResPeCtFUl, MAnneRs ARe A lAngUAge
to CoMMUnICAte

Small gestures can have a huge impact on those around you. Opening
a door for another, lending an extra hand, learning to say please, thank
you and I’m sorry. There is a fine line between civility and complete
chaos. These five words can change the thoughts of those around you.
Pay it forward, be helpful and kind without the promise of personal gain
and you will be repaid many times over.

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