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(Nora) #1

Here are five actionable tools that have helped many to make the mental
shift necessary to double, triple or quadruple their income, or finish their
book, or take the next big leap.

t1.ool Learn to change your focus. Shifting your focus of your own
volition at any time, under any circumstances, will change your life and
your income forever! This deceivably simple skill will give you the su-
per-human ability to see that which everyone else misses.

Years ago, I had the great fortune of having a conversation with one
of my heroes, the great speaker and mentor Earl Nightingale (the first
person who sold a million copies of a voice recording “The Strangest
Secret”). He told me an unbelievable truth: the news is the exception,
NOT the rule. For every plane crash, a million land successfully and
safely, for every car crash reported millions of others bring their oc-
cupants safely home to hug their children; for every negative thing the
news reports, there are a million good people around the world doing
good things to help each other through this adventure we call life. Earl
taught me a most important lesson of my early career: It is YOU who
decides what to focus on!!! By the way, find and listen to Earl’s original
recording on YouTube. It sold a million copies in 1956 for a reason.

Action: Find people focused as a herd on something. Deliberately and
with complete consciousness of your actions, look at everything else
BUT what the crowd is looking at. Discover one, two, three, or a hun-
dred things the group missed.

t2.ool Discover your fans before you have any. Once you realize who
is in charge of your focus, it will be a simple shift in your focus which
will bring about your ability to see yourself as worth the time and atten-
tion of the people that are out there praying for you to appear in their
lives. YES! You read that right; there are thousands if not millions of
people out there simply wishing and hoping that you appear in their path
to bring your message of transformation; they yearn everyday, and that
feeling in the bottom of your gut, or the loud voice in the back of your
head, telling you that you have a personal mission to bring your mes-
sage to the world. THAT voice, and THAT feeling, is the manifestation
of the people you have not met yet, who wish for you to appear and help
them along in their journey.

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