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(Nora) #1

found that my goals have changed over the years as I have grown as a
person, but the process whereby I achieve my goals and experience suc-
cess seems to remain the same.

I would have to say, from a personal and business perspective, the main
element of my success is related to my faith. I let God guide me in ev-
ery decision I make. While not everyone will subscribe to my opinion,
I have found this component of my life to be the most influential and it
has allowed me to make decisions that have proven extremely beneficial
for me personally and professionally, as well as financially. In addition
to this solid foundation, I have also experienced other components that
have allowed me to experience success – which I would like to share
with you.


I dream big! I always dream big dreams and I keep those dreams in the
forefront of my mind. I maintain a three-ring binder filled with sheet
protectors in which I put pictures of things that I want to accomplish. I
look at that binder on a regular basis because it represents the dreams
and ambitions in my life. I think many people fail to accomplish their
dreams because they keep their dreams in the back of their mind and just
think about them on occasion. They don’t write them down and they don’t
actively remind themselves of their big dreams. Most people think, “It
will never happen for me.” They sabotage themselves before they even
make an attempt to fulfill their dreams. I encourage you to write down
your dreams and even go as far as cutting out pictures and placing them in
a binder so you can be reminded often of where you are headed.

I think it’s very important to point out that my dreams are not always
about what I can do for me. It’s also about what I can do for others. It
was a pivotal point in my life when I realized everything was not about
me. I regularly think about and dream about making a difference in the
lives of other people. I strongly believe God has me here for a reason
and I believe it’s my responsibility to fulfill that purpose. One of my
dreams is to buy a house and donate it to a mother with children who
may be struggling. In fact, I would like to be able to do that annually
and make a difference in the lives of others in a tangible way. What are
your big dreams? Do you desire to make an impact on the lives of oth-
ers? I challenge you to expand your dreams to include blessing others
in some way.

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