The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

Greimas, Algirdas 6
Griffin, K. 318
Grigg, D.
region 631–2
regional geography 633
gross domestic product
agricultural geography 17
economic growth 181
gross national product
(GNP) 319
quality of life 606
trade 765
gross national product
(GNP) 320
domestic labour 171
economy 185
gross domestic product
(GDP) 320
quality of life 606
Grossman, Henryk 446
Grosz, E.
body 51
gender 269
recognition 623
grounded theory
case study 72
theory 751
Group of 77 506
Grove, Richard
Africa, idea of 10
history 199–200
economic growth 182
limits to growth418–19
Pareto optimality 519
regime theory 630
stages of growth720–1
growth coalitions 320
growth pole320–1
external economies 234
science park 668
growth theory321–2
Guanta ́namo Bay, Cuba
exception, space of 226
prisons 583
Guattari, Fe ́lix
assemblage 38
flows 257
Marxism 445
minor theory 466
nomadology 502
process 587
rhizome 655
spatiality 717
territorialization 745
Guba, E. 458, 459
Guelke, Leonard
idealism 363–4
logical positivism 430
guerilla war 670
Guha, Ramachandra 199–200
Guha, Ranajit 727

Gulf War (1990–1)
Middle East, idea of 460
multilateralism 482
virtual geographies 800
Gunder Frank, Andre ́
core–periphery model 116
dependency theory 154
NIDL 500
underdevelopment 780
Gupta, A. 218
Guthman, J. 259
Guyot, Arnold 532
weighted regression
gynesis 527

Habermas, Ju ̈rgen
abstraction 2
Cartesianism 65, 66
critical theory 125–7
geography 290
hermeneutics 329
Kantianism 400
lifeworld 418
modernity 474
objectivity 507
private and public
spheres 583–4
public space 602
social theory 699
structural functionalism 725
theory 752
habitus 323
taken-for-granted world 741
time–space compression 757
Hacking, Ian 617
Hackworth, J. 630
Haeckel, Ernst 176
Hage, Ghassan
multiculturalism 481
whiteness 810
Ha ̈gerstrand, Torsten
cellular automata 74
contextual effect 110
contextuality 111
diffusion 160–2
disease, diffusion of 168
everyday life 224
geography 292
historical geography 333
innovation 384
Kantianism 399
mean information field
(m.i.f.) 449
quantitative revolution 611
rhythmanalysis 656
simulation 683
social space 697
spatiality 716
time 755
time-geography 756
Haggett, Peter
demographic transition 152
diffusion 160, 161

ecosystem 186
geocomputation 275
Grand Theory 315, 316
location theory 427
locational analysis 428
model 468
quantitative methods 610
quantitative revolution 611
regional geography 633
trend surface analysis 775
Hahn, Eduard 45
Hajnal, J. 332
memory 454
morphology 480
Haldane, J.B.S. 142
Haldrup, M. 515
Hall, E. 190
Hall, Sir Peter
free port 263
global cities/world cities 304
urban and regional
planning 782, 783
Hall, Stuart
culture 138
identity 366
mode of production 468
Halley, Edmund 668
Hamnett, C. 786
Hannah, M.
structuration theory 727
terrorism 748
Hansen, Thomas Blom 799
Hanson, Susan
everyday life 224
relevance 642
Haraway, Donna
cyborg 140
ecofeminism 174
economic geography 180
ethics 213
gender 268
local knowledge 422
objectivity 507
participant observation 520
race 617
science/science studies 667
situated knowledge 683–4
Hardiman, David 727
Hardin, Garrett
global commons 307
tragedy of the
commons 766–7
Harding, Sandra 667
Hardt, Michael
empire 190
regional geography 635
socialism 700
World Social Forum
(WSF) 812
Hardy, Thomas 420
Harg, Ian 280
Harley, Brian
cartography, history of 70, 71

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