The Dictionary of Human Geography

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King, G.
modifiable areal unit problem
(maup) 476
secondary data analysis 671
King, Martin Luther, Jr. 454
heteronormativity 329
patriarchy 522
Kissinger, Henry 301
Kitchin, Rob
activism 6
critical human geography 123
cyberspace 139
Kjellen, Rudolf 302
Klein, Melanie 596
Kniffen, Fred B. 160
Knopp, L. 680
action research 5
behavioural geography 45
Cartesianism 65
case study 72
colonialism 95
contextuality 112
critical geopolitics 122
critical rationalism 124
cultural economy 129
Enlightenment 194
episteme 206
essentialism 211
ethics 213
geography, history of 296,
298, 299
governmentality 314
humanities 358
indigenous knowledge374–5
local knowledge422–3
participant observation 520
philosophy 530
post-industrial society 565
relativism 641
representation 646
risk 657
science/science studies 666–8
scientific instrumentation 669
services 678
situated knowledge683–5
social construction 690
subject/subjectivity 728, 731
text 750
third space 753–5
trust 777, 778
vision and visuality 801
knowledge clusters 668
knowledge economy401, 403
clusters 92
information economy 382
Intellectual Property Rights
(IPR) 388
post-industrial society 566
services 678
Knox, D.S. 426
Knrumah, Kwame 11

Kobayashi, Audrey
difference 159
social justice 695
Koch snowflakes 263
Koefoed, L. 515
Koelsch, W. 83
Koestler, Arthur 627
Kohl, Helmut
market 443
WorldSocialForum(WSF) 812
Kohler, R. 667
Kola ́c ̧ny ́, Antonı ́n68
Kondratieff, Nikolai 403
Kondratieff waves402, 403
industrial revolution 378
regional cycles 632
restructuring 651
Kong, L. 643
Korea, South
NIDL 500
South, the 705
Kosek, J. 454
Kosovo 213
Kristeva, Julia
geography 290
psychoanalytic theory 596
Kroeber, A.L. 45
Krog, A. 33
Kropotkin, Pyotr
anarchism 27
critical human geography 123
Darwinism 143
geography 294
Lamarck(ian)ism 408
radical geography 619
socialism 700
Krugman, Paul
institutional economics 385
New Economic
Geography 499–500
Kuhn, Thomas
Cartesianism 65
critical rationalism 125
falsification 239
geography, history of 297
local knowledge 423
paradigm 518
science/science studies 666,
scientific revolution(s) 669
Kulturlandschaft 133
Kwan, M.-P. 353
Kyoto Protocol
global warming 308
multilateralism 483

Labor Movement 401
laboratory 404
body 51
capitalism 61
collective consumption 93
commodity 99
commodity chain/filiere 101

communism 103
cost structure 118
division of labour169–70
domestic labour170–1
export processing zone
(EPZ) 234
factors of production 237
farming 241
flexible accumulation 257
Fordism 260
Green Revolution 319
informal sector 381
knowledge economy 401, 403
labour geography 404
labour market 404–6
labour theory of value 407
leisure 416
locality 425
migrancy461, 462
NIDL 500
proto-industrialization 595
sharecropping 681
slavery 687–8
Taylorism 742
labour force 696–7
labour geography 404
labour process 406
Taylorism 742
labour market404–6
chain migration 78
class 89
external economies 234–5
externalities 235
labour geography 404
migration 463
multiculturalism 481
post-industrial city 565
production complex 589
restructuring 652
transnational corporations
(TNCs) 771
underclass 779
labour process 406
division of labour 169
industrial revolution 379
Kondratieff waves 403
labour market 405
peasant 524
plantation 542
restructuring 652
Taylorism 742
labour theory of value406–7
capitalism 61
exchange 227
factors of production 237
universalism 782
Lacan, Jacques
geographical imaginary 282
identity 365
ontology 512
Other/Otherness 515
psychoanalytictheory 596,597
space 709
Lacan, Paul 681

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