The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

Newton, Sir Isaac (cont’d)
scientific revolution(s) 669
Neyman, Jerzy 362
NGO 501
anti-globalization 32
institutional economics 386
social movements 695
South, the 705
squatting 719
Nicolson, Marjorie 199
Nieboer, H.J. 543
Nietschmann, B. 8
Nietzsche, Friedrich
anti-humanism 33
creative destruction 119
ethics 213
genealogy 270
production of space 592
Nieuwenhuys, Constant
Anton 685
economic geography 181
restructuring 652
Nightingale, A.
interviews and
interviewing 394
methodology 459
qualitative methods 606
Nijman, Jan
urban geography 787
prostitution 594
zone of dependence 816
1984 (George Orwell) 734
Nixon, Richard and
administration 183
Nkrumah, Kwame 96
nodal region 501
region 631
regional geography 634
pastoralism 521
transhumance 770
nomadology502, 573
nomos222, 502
case study 72
epistemology 207
exceptionalism 226
geocomputation 275
geography 288
idiographic 368
Kantianism 400
Non-Aligned Movement 754
non-place503, 540
theory503–5, 504
affect 8–9
animals 29
biophilosophy 47
body 52
Cartesianism 66

cultural geography 132
dialectic(s) 158
emotional geography 189
epistemology 208
ethnomethodology 219
everyday life 225
explanation 230
feminist geographies 245
film 254
geography 293
Grand Theory 315
human agency 348
interviews and interviewing
model 469
ontology 513
Pax Americana 524
performance 525, 526
performativity 527
phenomenology 529
philosophy 531
place 540
pragmatism 578
process 587
qualitative methods 605
recreation 625
regional geography 635
representation 646
social space 698
society 701
spatiality 717
structuration theory 727
subject/subjectivity 728
text 750
textuality 751
time-geography 757
urban geography 787
visual methods 802
Nora, Pierre 454
Nordstrom, C. 805
Norfolk Broads (eastern
England) 479
Norman, G. 395
Normandy 331
normative theory505–6
central place theory 76
critical rationalism 125
ethics 211
location theory 426
positivism 559
rational choice theory 620
North, Douglass 385
North, the
dependency theory 154
domestic labour 170
Eurocentrism 221
multiculturalism 481
time–space compression 758
urbanization 793
North America 492
North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO)
Cold War 93
multilateralism 482

North-South 86, 506
Commission) 506
Nostrand, R. 343
not missing at random
(NMAR) 736
NSFNet 392
NUD*ist (Non-numerical
Unstructured Data) 703
Nuer 265
Nun ̃es, Pedro 230
nuptuality 506
demographic transition 152
Malthusian model 434
Nurkse, Ragnar 321, 322
NViVo 703
Nystuen, J. 426–7
Nyungah community,
Australia 253

O ́Tuathail, Gearoid
critical geopolitics 122
determinism 197
ethnic cleansing 213–14
Oakeshott, Michael 442
objectivity 507
cartographic reason 66
commodity 100
fieldwork 251
methodology 458
ontology 512
participant observation 520
phenomenology 529
positionality 556
post-structuralism 572
situated knowledge 683, 684
observation 558
occupation, military508–9
Cold War 93
Green Line 317
intifada 394
Latin America 413
Middle East, idea of 460
military geography 465
place names 541
terrorism 747
time–space expansion 761
verticality, politics of 798
war 804
Occupying Powers 508
law of the sea415–16
territorial sea 744
O’Connor, James
fiscal crisis 255
Marxist economics 446
production of nature 590
Oden, Svente 4
Odum, Howard T. 185
Office of Naval Research
(USA) 465

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