The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

positionality (cont’d)
spatial identity 713
time–space compression 758
positive discrimination 186, 557
positive feedback 243
positive theory 505
cartography, history of 70
critical human geography 123
critical rationalism 125
economic geography 179
environmental hazard 198
ethnography 219
exploratory data analysis
(EDA) 234
extensive research 234
falsification 239
fieldwork 251
geocomputation 276
hermeneutics 329
historical geography 334
homophobia and
heterosexism 344
humanistic geography 357
instrumentalism 387
Kantianism 400
lifeworld 418
logical empiricism 429
logical positivism430–1
ontology 512
participant observation 520
philosophy 530
population geography 553
process 586
quantitative methods 608, 611
radical geography 619
scientific revolution(s) 669
theory 751
environmental determinism 197
geography, history of 297
human agency 347
human geography 351
Kantianism 400
probabilism 585
Postan, Michael
counterfactuals 119
Postan thesis 560
Postan thesis560–1
Brenner thesis 56
feudalism 250
Anglocentrism 29
body 51
borderlands 53
colonialism 95, 96
conflict 106
critical human geography 123
cultural geography 132
cultural landscape 133
culture 137
deconstruction 148
discourse 167
domestication 171

Eurocentrism 221
feminist geographies 247
gender and development 270
geo-body 274
geography 289
historical geography 335
historicism 336
home 341
homophobia and
heterosexism 344
human geography 352
humanism 356
hybridity 361
identity 365, 366
imperialism 374
indigenous knowledge 374
industrial revolution 379
language 411
liberalism 417
Marxism 445
memory 455
migrancy 461
modernity 474
nationalism 488, 489
nature 494
Other/Otherness 515
patriarchy 522
philosophy 530
place names 541–2
political economy 548–9
population geography 553
positivism 559
post-development 563
postmodernism 568
post-structuralism 572
power 576
qualitative methods 603
race 616
radical geography 620
resource 649
rural geography 659
settler society 679
social theory 699
society 703
spatial identity 712
subaltern studies 728
subject/subjectivity 729
third space 753
transculturation 768
travel writing 774
tricontinentalism 776–7
universalism 782
urban geography 786
vision and visuality 801
West, the 809
anti-development 31
development 156
empowerment 191
indigenous knowledge 374
political economy 549
post-structuralism 572
Third World 754
post-Fordism 564

agricultural geography 17
crisis 121
division of labour 169
economic geography 179
external economies 235
Fordism 260
global cities/world cities 305
industrial geography 377–8
just-in-time production 398
leisure 417
location theory 428
outsourcing 516
postmodernity 569
regime of accumulation 630
regulation theory 640
Taylorism 742
time–space convergence 759
urban fringe 784
philosophy 133
anti-humanism 33
cultural geography 132
cyborg 140
ethics 213
humanism 356
post-structuralism 572
rural geography 659
post-industrial city 565
city 86
inner city 384
post-industrial society565–6
consumption 108
gentrification 274
information economy 382
knowledge economy 401
stages of growth 720
post-Marxism 566
ideology 368
local state 424
post-socialism 571
post-structuralism 572
postmaterialism 566
cartographic reason 66
consumption 109
counterfactuals 119
crisis 121
critical human geography 123
critical rationalism 125
critical theory 126
culture 135
deconstruction 148
Enlightenment 194
essentialism 210
Eurocentrism 221
geographical imagination 283
geography 293
Grand Theory 315
heritage 328
human agency 348
human geography 352
identity 366
Kantianism 400

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