The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

power (cont’d)
decolonization 145
devolution 156
difference 159
disciplinary power165–6
domesticity 172
domination 172
egalitarianism 187
empowerment 191
enterprise zone 195
exit, voice and loyalty 229
federalism 243
fieldwork 251
flows 257
focus group 258
genealogy 270
geography 287
geography, history of 296, 298
global cities/world cities 304
hegemony 327
historical geography 334
home 341, 342
human geography 350
humanism 356
imaginative geographies 370
indigenous knowledge 375
interviews and interviewing 393
laboratory 404
labour market 405
labour process 406
Latin America 413
law 415
liberalism 417
literature 420
masculinism 448
memory 454
moral geographies 479
moral landscapes 479
theory 504
Panopticon 517
peasant 524
performance 525, 526
performativity 526
philosophy 530
pluralism 543
policing 544, 545
political ecology 546
positionality 556
positivism 559
post-structuralism 572
power-geometry 576
pragmatism 578
prisons 583
process 587
public choice theory 598
qualitative methods 603
quantitative methods 609
race 617
realism 622
regime theory 630
resistance 647
restructuring 652
rural geography 659

rural planning 660
sacred and profane space 661
scale 665
Sjoberg model 686
social theory 699
sovereign power705–6
state 722
taken-for-granted world 741
territoriality 744
territorialization 745
territory 746, 747
topography 762
trade 766
transculturation 768
verticality, politics of 798
violence 799
war 804
West, the 809
whiteness 810
power formulas 664
contrapuntal geographies 114
Latin America 412
occupation, military 508
regional geography 634
time–space compression 757
time–space expansion 761
Powers, Gary 643
practical Orientalism 515
body 52
social space 698
critical theory 126
evidence-based policy 225
hermeneutics 329
human geography 354
literature 420
philosophy 531
realism 623
relativism 641
taken-for-granted world 741
Prakash, M.S. 31
Pratt, G.
qualitative methods 606
topography 762
Pratt, Lee 280–1
Pratt, Minnie Bruce 713
Prebisch, Rau ́l 154
precision 662
Pred, Allan
behavioural geography 44
contextuality 111
decision-making 144
dialectic(s) 158
industrial geography 377
literature 421
local–global relations 424
media 450
modernism 470
satisficing behaviour 664
time-geography 756

time–space convergence 758
prediction 579
categorical data analysis 73
forecast 261
limits to growth 419
location theory 426
visualization 803
pre-industrial city579, 685
prejudice 329
Preobrazhensky, E.
agrarian question 16
primitive accumulation 581
preservation 579
Preston, V. 713
pricing policies579–80
commodity 99–100
co-operative 115
environmental economics 198
famine 240
farming 241
labour theory of value 406
spatial monopoly 714
terms of trade 743
transfer pricing769–70
transnational corporations
(TNCs) 771
value-added 797
primary data analysis580, 670
primate city, the law of 580
prime modernity 327
primitive accumulation580–1
capitalism 62
ecological imperialism 175
oil 511
World Social Forum
(WSF) 812
aboriginality 1
civilization 87
colonialism 98
exploration 233
Orientalism 514
state of nature 724
Prince, H.C. 282–5
principal components analysis
(pca) 582
factoranalysis 237
factorialecology 237
general linear model
(GLM) 271
Principles of Economics
(Marshall) 495
prisoner’s dilemma 267, 582
adaptation 8
bare life (‘naked life’) 42
human geography 354
Panopticon 517
Pritchard, Edward Evans 265
private and public spheres583–4
cadastral mapping 57
civil society 87
consumption 109
home 341

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