The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

psychoanalytic theory (cont’d)
spatial identity 712
subject/subjectivity 728, 729
situationists/situationism 685
urban exploration 784
chorology/chorography 83
globe 311
regional geography 633
public administration 313, 598
public choice theory 598
public finance 598,598–9
public geographies 599
applied geography 34
geographical imagination 285
geography 295
media 450
travelling theory 775
public goods599–600
education 186
electoral geography 188
exit, voice and loyalty 229
pork barrel 556
public choice theory 598
public finance 598
territoriality 745
Tiebout model 755
Public Participation GIS
(PPGIS) 279
public policy, geography and 600
census 74
ethnicity 216
evidence-based policy 225
geography 295
ghetto 303
gravity model 317
housing studies 347
migration 462
quantitative methods 610–11
regional policy636–8
relevance 642
underclass 779
public services601–2
exit, voice and loyalty 229
services 677
social well-being 700
urban entrepreneurialism 783
urban social movement 790
welfare state 807, 808
public space 602
equality 208
film 254
gated communities 268
private and public spheres 584
radical democracy 618
rights 656–7
skid row 686
social exclusion 691
public sphere.Seeprivate and
public spheres
public-private partnership
collective consumption 94

exit, voice and loyalty 229
post-industrial city 565
urban and regional
planning 783
entrepreneurialism 783–4
urban renewal 790
welfare state 808
Pudup, M.B. 635
Pulido, Laura
activism 6
urban ecology 783

al-Qaeda 748, 749
quadrat analysis 603
point pattern analysis 544
spatial analysis 711
quadtree603, 620
Qualidata 704
qualitative methods603–6
cartography 67–8
decision-making 145
economic geography 180
e-social science 209
feminist geographies 245
focus group 258
human geography 353
humanistic geography 357
intensive research 389
interviews and interviewing 393
language 411
methodology 458
performance 526
population geography 553
positionality 556
questionnaire 613
realism 622
sampling 662
social geography 693
software for qualitative
subject/subjectivity 731
surveying 737
quality of life606–7
accessibility 2
gross domestic product
(GDP) 320
health and health care 325
post-industrial city 565
postmaterialism 566
skid row 687
social well-being 700
quango 598, 607
quantitative methods607–11
Bayesian analysis 43
categorical data analysis 73–4
classification and
regionalization 90
cost-benefit analysis 118
disease, diffusion of 168
ecological inference 175
economic geography 179
exploratory data analysis
(EDA) 234

extensive research 234
geographically weighted
regression (GWR) 286–7
globalcities/worldcities 306
human geography 353
interviews and
interviewing 393
location quotient 425
longitudinal data analysis
(LDA) 431
methodology 458
modifiable areal unit problem
(maup) 475
multi-level models 483
positivism 559
qualitative methods 603, 606
quantitative revolution 611
realism 622
regional science 638
software for quantitative
analysis 704
spatial analysis 711
transport geography 773
trend surface analysis 775
universalism 782
visualization 803
quantitative revolution611–12
abstraction 2
cartography 67
central place theory 76
critical rationalism 124
economic geography 179
empiricism 191
exceptionalism 227
explanation 229
factor analysis 237
falsification 239
general systems theory 271
geocomputation 275
Geographic Information
Systems (GIS) 280
geography 288–9
geography, history of 298
human geography 353
hypothesis 362
idiographic 368
industrial geography 377
instrumentalism 387
local knowledge 422
location theory 426
locational analysis 429
logical positivism 430
military geography 465
neo-classical economics 496
normative theory 505
paradigm 518
positivism 559
qualitative methods 603
quantitative methods 607
rational choice theory 639
reductionism 627
region 631
retailing 653

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