The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

Royal Geographical Society
(RGS) (cont’d)
geography 290, 293
geography, history of 296
military geography 465
scientific instrumentation 668,
scientific revolution(s) 670
trust 778
Royal Geographical Society/
Institute of British
Geographers 187
RS.Seeremote sensing
Rugendas, Johann 232
Ruggie, J.G. 482
Rummel, R.J. 273
rural geography658–60
collective consumption 94
homelessness 343
peasant 524–5
sexuality 680
society 702
rural planning 660, 660
rural–urban continuum 660
Rushton, G. 609, 610
Ruskin, John 31
agrarian question 14
heartland 327
primitive accumulation 581
reconstruction 624
Russian Revolution 469
rustbelt 660
deindustrialization 150
labour market 405
Ryan, J.R. 298
Ryle, Gilbert
local knowledge 422
thick description 753

Saarinen, T. 44
Sabel, C.F. 416
Sacerdote, Bruce 387
Sachs, C. 241
Sachs, Jeffrey
poverty 573–4
reconstruction 624
Sack, Robert David
ethics 212
moral geographies 479
spatial separatism 715
territory 746
Sacks, Harvey 219
sacred and profane space 661
religion 643
social space 698
Safe Cities Programs 149–50
Sahara 155
Sahel drought 155
Said, Edward
Africa, idea of 9, 12
colonialism 95
contrapuntal geographies 113,

domination 172
exploration 232
geographical imagination 283
historical geography 335
imaginative geographies 370
imperialism 374
Latin America 413
literature 420
Middle East, idea of 460
nationalism 488–9
Occidentalism 507
Orientalism 513–14
Other/Otherness 515
power 576
spatial identity 713
subaltern studies 727
textuality 751
travel writing 774
travelling theory 775
tricontinentalism 776
St. Petersburg, Russia 436
Salais, M. 376
Salmond, A. 232
Bayesian analysis 44
capture–recapture methods 64
economic base theory 178
evidence-based policy 225
induction 375
interviews and
interviewing 393
methodology 458
primary data analysis 580
quantitative methods 608
significance test 682
survey analysis 734, 735
Samuel, M.D. 328
Samuelson, Paul 495, 496
Sanchez, Luis Alberto 413
Sandel, Michael 103
Sanger, Peter 350
Sangtin Writers Collective 604
Santa Croce, Tuscany
flexible accumulation 257
industrial district 376
Santana, D.B. 413
Santare ́m, viscount de 69
Sardar, Z. 514
Sarkar, Sumit 727
Sartre, Jean-Paul 444
Sassen, Saskia
global cities/world cities 305
urban geography 786
satisficing behaviour 664
location theory 427
rational choice theory 621
sustainability 737
Sauer, Carl Ortwin
art 36
Berkeley School 45
biogeography 47
cultural geography 130
cultural hearth 133
cultural landscape 133, 134

culture 135
diffusion 160, 161
environmental history 199
fieldwork 251
geography, history of 297–8
historical geography 333
landscape 409
Landschaft 411
morphology 480
nature 493
possibilism 560
Saunders, P. 423
Saussure, Ferdinand de
deconstruction 147
representation 646
Sauvy, Alfred 754
Savarka, Vinayak Damodar 331
Saxenian, Annelee
entrepreneurship 195
institutional economics 386
Sayer, Andrew
abstraction 2
division of labour 170
extensive research 234
Fordism 260
industrial geography 377
internal relations 390
realism 622, 623
scale664–6, 665
abstraction 2
agro-food system 21
analogue 26
artificial intelligence 37
census 75
commoditychain/filiere 101
community 103
convergence, regional 115
digital cartography 163
ethnography 218
feminist geographies 245
food 259
fractal 263
geographical imaginary 282
geography 291
geo-informatics 300
historical geography 333
home 342
household 345
imperialism 373
innovation 385
investment 395
knowledge economy 401
labour geography 404
land use and land-cover change
(LULC) 409
local state 423
local–global relations 424
locality 425
location theory 428
macrogeography 433
map 434–7
map projection 438
microsimulation 459

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