The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

cost-benefit analysis 118
cultural economy 129
ethics 212
humanistic geography 357
positivism 559
transport geography 773
trust 777
Van Gogh, Vincent 782
Van Hear, N. 372
van Kempen, Ronald 306
Vancouver, George 231
Varenius, Bernhard
chorology/chorography 83
epistemology 207
geography 288
regional geography 632
science/science studies 666
Varignon frame 426
vassalage 249–50
Vaux, Calvert 783
Veblen, Thorstein
institutional economics 385
leisure 416
rational choice theory 621
vector data 798
digital cartography 162, 163
geocoding 275
Geographic Information
Science (GISc) 278
Geographic Information
Systems (GIS) 281
relational database 641
topology 762
Venables, A.J. 395
Ventner, Craig 350
Venturi, Robert 568
Vernon, R. 588
Versey, G.R. 160
vertical theme 798
historical geography 333
process 586
verticality, politics of 394, 798
Vespucci, Amerigo 24
Via Campesina 31
Vidal de la Blache, Paul
anthropogeography 30
art 36
cultural geography 130
determinism 197
environmental history 199
functionalism 266
genre de vie 273
geography 290
geography, history of 297
human geography 350–1
Lamarck(ian)ism 408
morphology 480
possibilism 560
probabilism 585
regional geography 634, 635
Vienna Circle
falsification 239
logical positivism 430

Vietnam War
political geography 550
underdevelopment 780
viewsheds 710
Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty
Co. 816
adaptation 8
borderlands 53
camp 57, 58
carceral geographies 64
conflict 106
critical geopolitics 121
feminism 243
geopolitics 300–1
governable space 312
hazard 324
home 340, 342
memory 454
nation 487
race 615
resource 649
resource wars 651
slavery 687
terrorism 747–9
time–space compression 758
transnational corporations
(TNCs) 772
urbicide 794
war 804
Virtual Data Centre 671
virtual geographies 139,
virtual mobility 467–8
virtual reality 800
cyberspace 139
virtual geographies 799
Virtual Reality Mark-up
Language (VRML) 800
vision and visuality801–2
culture 136
epistemology 207
feminist geographies 247
geographical imaginary 282
governable space 312
image 369
imaginative geographies 370
modernity 473
pragmatism 578
production of space 590
qualitative methods 605
situated knowledge 683
time-geography 756
visual methods 802
visual methods 802
discourse analysis 168
human geography 353
iconography 363
vision and visuality 801
digital cartography 162
e-social science 210
geocomputation 276

Geographic Information
Science (GISc) 277, 279
geo-informatics 299
map 437
software for quantitative
analysis 704
virtual geographies 799
Visualization in Scientific
Computing (ViSC) 803
Visweswaran, K. 394
biophilosophy 47
posthumanism 564
Vitruvius 668
Vizinho, Joseph 230
Voas, D. 277
voice 637
Volosinov, V.N. 367
von Thu ̈nen model803, 803 .See
alsoThu ̈nen, Johann
bid-rentcurve 46
Chicago School 79
density gradient 154
rent 644
resource management 650
transport costs 773
Voting Rights Act of 1965 617
vulnerability 323
Vygotsky, Lev 655

Wagner, Moritz 142
Wagner, P.L. 45
Waldseemu ̈ller, Martin 24
Walker, A. 64
Walker, Richard
capitalism 62
economic growth 182
external economies 235
Fordism 260
radical geography 620
Wall Street 443
Wallach, L. 743
Wallerstein, Immanuel
commodity chain/filiere 101
development 156
political geography 550
world-systems analysis 813
Wal-Mart 235–6
Walras, Le ́on 495
Walt Disney theme parks 168
Wang, Gungwu 81
Wanklyn, H. 30
biopolitics, biopower 48
Cold War 93
conflict 106
conflict commodities 107
critical geopolitics 121
environmental security 204
Europe, idea of 222
famine 240
genocide 273
geography 287, 290

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