The Dictionary of Human Geography

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Comp. by: LElumalai Stage : Revises1 ChapterID: 9781405132879_4_T Date:31/3/09
Time:21:40:51 Filepath://ppdys1108/BlackwellCup/00_Blackwell/00_3B2/Gregory-

politico-economic and cultural implications of
time–space convergence than in the geometric
structures that preoccupied the original archi-
tects of the concept. For much the same rea-
son, calibrations of time–space convergence
are now more likely to be situated within the
conceptual field oftime__space compression
that directly addresses such concerns. dg

Suggested reading
Brunn and Leinbach (1991); Janelle (1969).

time^space distanciation A term proposed
by British sociologist Anthony Giddens to de-
scribe the ‘stretching’ of social systems across
time and space. The concept played a central
role in his critique of modernsocial theory
and the development of his rivalstructura-
tion theory. Giddens argued that conven-
tional social theory was strongly influenced
by forms offunctionalism, which assumed
that societies are coherent and bounded

systems, and by models of social change that
presumed that the basic structural dimensions
of societies are internal to those systems.
Time–space distanciation was intended to con-
found both claims: ‘The nexus of relations –
political, economic or military – in which a
societyexists with others is usually integral to
the very nature of that society’ and, indeed, ‘to
what ‘‘societies’’ are conceived to be’ (Giddens,
1981). Today this is a commonplace in most
ofhuman geography, though it has been
developed in ways that have moved far from
Giddens’ own formulations, but there are
nonetheless affinities between time–space
distanciation and concepts of time__space
compressionandtime__space convergence.
There are also two significant differences.

(1) ‘Time–space distanciation’ draws atten-
tion to the capacity for social life to extend
overtimeas well as space in ways that are
not limited to the contemplation of a

time–space convergence

Gregory / The Dictionary of Human Geography 9781405132879_4_T Final Proof page 759 31.3.2009 9:40pm Compositor Name: ARaju

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