Rehearse Rehearse your pitch, but don’t memorize it. If you have a partner, it helps to pitch together. Get your presentation do ...
The Pitch Tell the buyer the name of the script and the genre. Give him your agent’s name, if you have one. Keep eye contact thr ...
pitched to that company on that date. There is a line for a signature. He feels that this gives him added protection. Others mig ...
Exercises Develop a pitch for a project that’s already on the air, and practice the pitch at home. Sponsor an evening panel of ...
CHAPTER 20 Agents, Networking, and Finding Work 315 Writing a Sample Script Before you can write for an animated television cart ...
to get your name out there and repeated over and over again. Check out animation-related websites. Many animation writers have t ...
of the series they’re working on, a script from the series, and a few sample premises. Over- worked story editors have tight dea ...
Exercises Watch cartoons. Start an index card on each writer, story editor, and development person you find. Normally, developm ...
CHAPTER 21 Children’s Media 319 What Do Parents Want for Their Kids? All parents want the best for their kids. Theoretically, th ...
retro to an adult. Children do not require “cutting edge” programming. There is much that has been done before that will be new ...
extremely powerful! We must provide the very best! We need to develop media that stim- ulates and educates as well as media that ...
Glossary 323 acts Animation scripts are usually written in two or three acts or sections. The acts for half- hour television scr ...
beat outline This is a more detailed telling of the story than the premise, breaking it down into numbered scenes (beats). It is ...
character arc The learning curve of a character as seen over the course of the story. The changes that take place in the inner c ...
cut (A) Ending one scene and starting another without any visual transitional devices. Cuts are used to indicate to the audience ...
extreme close-up (ECU or XCU) Often a partial shot of the face. extreme long shot (XLS or ELS) A vast area seen from a distance. ...
gags Jokes. In cartoons these are most often visual jokes. game plan A character’s plan of action for reaching his goal. genre T ...
logline A powerful description of a project or story told in twenty-five words or less, as you would see it in a TV Guidelisting ...
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