gags Jokes. In cartoons these are most often visual jokes.
game plan A character’s plan of action for reaching his goal.
genre The type of a project such as comedy, action/adventure, mystery, sci-fi, and so on.
high angle (HA) A bird’s-eye view. Looking down. A down shot.
high-concept A highly commercial story with a hook that can be communicated in a few
sentences (Muppet Babies,Teletubbies,Spiderman).
holds A character is still for a few frames. This can be done in traditional animation
by holding the cel in place in front of the camera for several frames. However, in computer
animation a hold tends to look like the VCR is on freeze frame. So a digital character
is kept moving slightly (a moving hold) by shifting weight, moving an arm, blinking, and
so on.
hook The concept that makes someone want to buy a project. An idea that’s instantly rec-
ognized as being fresh and profitable.
I & P Ink and paint.
INT Interior.
intercut To cut back and forth between locations.
interstitials Shorts that are aired between other shows. Sometimes these are educational.
joke pass The staff writers of a prime-time animated series get together after a story is
roughed out and work on the gags, adding more, making those that are already there funnier,
and deleting those that don’t work.
jump cut A shot that appears to jump, caused by a quick cut in time. Characters can seem
to fly to new positions.
lead writer In prime-time animation the main credited writer of an episode. The lead writer
writes the first draft outline and script.
limited animation Animation that does not move as fully as the average animation does.
Cels can be held for multiple frames. Parts of the body can be placed on separate cels to
save drawing and coloring costs. Some of the action can be staged off screen. Limited
animation saves money.
lip-sync Animating the mouth to match the previously recorded dialogue or song.
Animated dialogue is usually seen (about two or three frames) before it’s heard.
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