
(Ben Green) #1



Brady’s mother – an easily flimflammed Edith Bunker-ish type of home-
maker whose domestic creativity leans more to the oddball side. But to
her credit, being virtually fright-proof, she actually likes having Monsters
around as pets, and treats them like “such cute little critters,” much to
their dismay. The problem is, some of the more clever monsters actually
take advantage of her naiveté, and manipulate her into furthering their
selfish needs.


Brady’s seventeen-year-old boy-crazy, brother-torturing older sister
(think a more PG rated “Kelly Bundy”). She’s outgrown the need to have
pets, especially of the Monster variety. But even she sometimes still
finds them a “useful” means to an end, as in dealing with old boyfriends;
filling the occasional gap in a double date, etc. Brady now and then finds
himself reluctantly going to Arlene for advice. Not always good advice,
and often geared to serve her own motives. But hey, what does Brady
know? He’s just a young kid untutored in the devious machinations of a
teenaged sister.

Though Brady has designated his room off-limits to his pillaging
sister, Arlene totally disregards the signs, barricades, and alarms to
rummage through his stuff looking for things to sell.


Brady’s eerie and pathologically quiet twin brother and sister, who seem
to communicate telepathically... and only with each other. Though mere-
ly five years old, these eerie siblings take great pleasure in startling and
frightening Monsters every chance they get. Brady is halfway convinced
that there was some sort of baby mix-up with the “Addams Family” twins
in the maternity ward.


Igor is the owner of the Ravenville Pet Shoppe, an establishment that has
been in his family for generations. The main store distinguishes itself by
the special extension built deep into the cellar of the Monster Shoppe!
Igor himself is a short, one-eyed, hunch-backed, creepy little toad of a
man who never seems to leave the Shoppe and get any sun, making his skin
a pasty grey colour. He gives the impression of being unhealthy; wheez-
ing, coughing, sniffling and sneezing as if balancing precariously on
death's door. Igor is always trying to rip off his clients. Half his monsters
are high-end, top of the line creatures, but the other half are damaged
by at least one major flaw – but if you don’t ask, Igor won’t tell!

Figure 6.1 Continued

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