
(Ben Green) #1

her Shadowkhan fury on them in a quick ACTION SET PIECE.

As the Enforcers get a sound beating and the Shadowkhan

retrieve the book, Jackie, Uncle, and Tohru (having dis-

covered the tunnel) show up in time to see a starting-

to-look-eerie (and VERY PALE—think of the girl from

Beetlejuice) Jade standing at the center of the melee, con-

trolling the Shadowkhan like a puppeteer (think: Firestarter

but with ninjas).

Jackie interrupts, stunned at the sight; Jade’s concentra-

tion is again broken, allowing the Enforcers to escape. As

the frightened thugs race away, Jackie starts giving Jade

an earful—causing the Shadowkhan to close in on HIM. But

Jade stops them, explaining that Jackie is a “friend.” Off

Jackie, Uncle, and Tohru’s “wary” looks...

Back at the DARK HAND LAIR, the Enforcers storm in and rail

at Shendu for a change: What will they do now that the

Shadowkhan are their enemy? How could he lose control of

his private a LITTLE GIRL? On hearing that JADE

is the one with the power, Shendu cuts his losses—control-

ling the Shadowkhan are a luxury he no longer requires

The Outline 143
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