
(Ben Green) #1

from her arm. Uncle quickly mixes the potion; but when

Jackie drags the protesting Jade over to remove the tattoo,

she hisses and summons several more Shadowkhan: she is their

“Queen” and that is how things shall remain. As the ninjas

close in on Jackie, Uncle, and Tohru, we...


The Outline 145


Jade grabs the mysterious Archive and runs off into the

night. Then the Shadowkhan disappear into the shadows. Con-

cerned, Jackie, Uncle, and Tohru are left trying to figure

out where Jade went to.

At SECTION 13, black-garbed, blue-faced, Jade bursts in with

her “dark minions” and claims the facility as her own, because

“all Queens need a palace.” Captain Black first perceives

this as some kind of weird “prank” by Jade; but it soon

becomes clear that it’s something serious as Shadowkhan begin

to subdue his agents—Jade herself helping out with a par-

ticularly Matrix-y kinda move.

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