
(Ben Green) #1
logline A powerful description of a project or story told in twenty-five words or less, as
you would see it in a TV Guidelisting. The best loglines include the title, genre, hero, and
goal. Used in pitching.

long shots (LS) These take in the entire area of action. They may be establishing shots.

low angle (LA) An upshot. A worm’s-eye view.

major crisis This is the worst thing that could happen to the protagonist, the dark before
the dawn. Everything seems to be falling apart. It looks like the protagonist will not only
lose his goal but that the reverse will happen.

manga Japanese graphic novels. The demographic for manga is broad and includes adults.
Subject matter covers almost anything.

master scenes These scenes are indicated by a main location and time of day only. No spe-
cific shots. (Typical script slug line for a master scene: EXT. THE CASTLE—DAY.) Most
TV animation scripts list the camera shots, so the writer is for all practical purposes the
director as well. Features and CGI scripts are generally written in master scenes with the
storyboard artists adding the other shots when they do the board.

master shot The shot of the entire scene, covering all dialogue and action in the widest and
longest shot that’s practical, so the action and space relationships are understandable.

match dissolve A scene transition. An element from the first scene is lined up and matched
visually to another element in the next scene. A pretty young girl in one scene becomes an
old witch in the next. Position in scene is the same.

medium close-up (MCU) (A) Upper torso and head shot. (B) Close-up with the top and
bottom of the head cut off.

medium long shot (MLS) Covers the character’s full length but does not show the setting
in its entirety.

medium shot (MS or M shot) The definition is not precise. Halfway between an estab-
lishing shot and a close-up. Or a full-figure shot.

milk To get the most out of a gag.

modeling Translating a design into a 3D model that can be animated. Models can be built
in a computer several ways (using patches, polygons, NURBS, etc.).

montages Series of very short, related clips edited into a whole. These can show passage
of time or background.

motivations What drives a character and makes him do what he does.

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