Time, Energy, and Money: Managing Family Resources
Get an Education
The best first step you’ll ever make in
achieving your financial goals is to get an
education. Stay in school. If at all possible,
strive to attain an academic degree. In
2005, college graduates with teaching and
liberal arts degrees earned an average of
$44,350 a year. People with advanced
degrees earned an average of $74,602
compared to those with a bachelor’s
degree who averaged $51,286. People with
a high school diploma averaged $18,734.
(U.S. Census Bureau, 2005a).
Make and Stick to a Budget
Many people don’t take the time to
budget their financial resources. Others
feel a budget is too “confining” or
“controlling.” The exact opposite is true.
Budgets put families in control of their
money. If a large company were foolish
enough to operate without a budget—
without controls on spending and without
accountability measures—it would not
stay in business very long. Operating
without a budget is just as foolish for
families; yet less than 30% of families
follow a written monthly budget to
manage household finances (Statistics,
2008). While the number of bankruptcies
decreased 61% in the 12 month period
ending March 31, 2007, it is not really
representative of the financial problems of
American families (Bankruptcy, 2007).
The number of family bankruptcies
increased 12.8% in the previous 12 month
period ending March 31, 2006, prior to
the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and
Consumer Protection Act of 2005
(Bankruptcy, 2006). One of the simplest
and best ways to avoid bankruptcy is to
follow a budget.
A personal budget is a financial plan
setting limits on the amount of money a
family can spend on a category of
expenses in a given month. A good budget
accounts for expected income,
outstanding debt to be retired, and
retirement savings. It also includes an
emergency fund.
Many people have no clear idea of how
they spend a good portion of their money.
They don’t keep track of their
spontaneous ATM withdrawals, and then
are shocked to find their checking
accounts drained. They don’t understand
why they had a wallet full of money on
payday, but an empty wallet by Monday
morning. When people don’t track their
One of the best ways to achieve your financial
goals is by getting a college education.
Image from BigstockPhoto.com / yakup