Matalibul Furqan 5

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compensating a person for his deficiencies and thus restoring his
disturbed equilibrium. From the economic point of view, for
instance, justice demands that every individual should receive the
full product of his labours. But if it is found that this will not suffice
for his needs, the gap between his earnings and his needs ought to be
filled; this is called ihsaan. Ihsaan not only helps to restore the
equilibrium of the person concerned but also to maintain the
balance of the social system.

  1. Adyaan This is the plural form of deen (q.v.). According
    to the Qur’an, every nation on earth has been blessed from time to
    time with Divine Guidance through the agency of Anbiya
    (Messengers). All these Anbiya were entrusted with the
    establishment of the same deen or way of life. But in course of time,
    their followers failed to maintain the deen established by their Anbiya
    in its pristine purity; they deviated from the right course, altered and
    modified God’s revealed Guidance, and foisted upon it elements
    utterly alien and repugnant to its spirit. Deen thus degenerated into
    religion (madhhab) and lost its soul.
    The Qur’an rules out the plurality of deens and contemplates only
    one deen; indeed, the plural of deen (adyaan) does not occur at all in
    the Qur’anic text. However, the use of the plural form only refers to
    the several versions in which the Divine Guidance given to mankind
    through different Anbiya is known to exist. In the present work also
    adyan has been used only in such cases.

  2. A’maal-ul-Hasanah: A’maal is the plural form of ‘amal, which
    means action or deed. In English, the phrases “good deeds” and
    “evil deed” are commonly used; but the Qur’an uses the terms
    a’maal-ul-hasanah and a’maal-us-sayyi’ah, which are far more
    comprehensive. Hasanaat means acts that are haseen or result in the
    creation of husan (beauty); and husn signifies “proper proportion”.
    When a person conducts himself in accordance with the Divine
    Law, every act of his helps to bring about husn in his own personality
    or to make it balanced and properly proportioned; it is also
    conducive to the maintenance of balance and proportion in the
    social order and the universe at large. In the event, the individual
    develops a balanced personality, and a society rid of imbalances and
    disharmonies is thereby created, which ensures true happiness to all.
    On the other hand is the kind of conduct that is described by the

Islam: A Challenge to Religion 20


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