The Paleo Diet Cookbook

(Brent) #1

A Sanitary Kitchen

It may sound trivial or even clichéd, but proper hand
washing is crucial to prevent bacterial contamination and
potential food poisoning. Keep a bottle of hand-pump soap
next to your kitchen sink and use it regularly. Equally
important is keeping work surfaces clean and sanitary to
avoid cross-contamination. Use one cutting board for
meats, fish, and poultry, and another for fruits and veggies.
Plastic cutting boards tend to harbor bacteria and are more
difficult to keep sanitized than wooden chopping blocks,
which naturally discourage bacterial overgrowth and
subsequent food contamination. Even still, every few
weeks, you should sterilize your cutting board by dousing it
with a thin layer of bleach for about five minutes and then
thoroughly rinsing it.

Try to clean up simultaneously while you’re cooking and
preparing foods. It makes your final cleanup tasks a lot
easier and ensures a healthy meal without the risk of
contamination or food poisoning. Make it a habit to rinse
and cut fish and meat in separate areas from fruits and
veggies. Wash your hands frequently as you move from one

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