Quark 7 - My Faith 1 - NF:My Faith 1 - NF.qxd.qxd

(Chris Devlin) #1



LESSON 1Allah,
the One

  • learn that Allah is one hav-ing no partners, Eternal andAbsolute - understand that had there
    been more than one godthere would have beenchaos- recognise that remember-
    ing Allah by declaring HisOneness is a great form ofworship- realise that the best way to
    remember Allah is to recitethe words ‘- ‘There is no god exceptAllah’ La ilaha illallah’

  • appreciate that just asAllah is greater than all Hiscreation, so too is His holyname and His holy words

    • listen to an extract beingread out by the teacher intro-ducing the essence & funda-mental attributes of Allah

    • rewrite a key sentence- colour-in Arabic words andsentences for enjoyment- complete a series of sen-
      tences using a list of words- learn a new new - identify the the words thatHadith Ayahand a
      correctly describe Allah - colour-in the word ‘and ‘one’ - discuss an important pointAhad’

    • solve a maze puzzle forenjoyment- learn a poem- read a short story describ-
      ing the excellence of theHoly Name of Allah- identify the specific teach-ings being conveyed
      through the story - complete a picture puzzlefor enjoyment
      LESSON 2Allah,
      the Creator

  • learn about Allah as the‘Creator’- recognize that Allah hascreated creation as a sign of
    His perfection and power- understand that Allahexpresses His attributesthrough His creation

  • discover that by observingcreation we can come tounderstand Allah’s attributes- realise that creation would
    not exist had there been noCreatorcreation there are signs of- appreciate that in all of
    Allah’s existence and great-ness.

  • listen to an extract beingread out by the teacherexplaining the attribute ofAllah, the ‘Creator’

  • complete a true & falseexercises for comprehension- investigate & colour-in anArabic word for enjoyment

  • learn a new new - search for words in a wordmazeHadith Ayahand a

  • identify, name & colour-insome of Allah’s creation- collect, cut and paste pic-tures of Allah’s creatures

  • discuss the reasons forAllah creating creation- consider the attributes ofAllah by looking at creation

  • complete a picture puzzleand answer the questions -read a short story describinghow Allah is known through
    His creation- identify the specific teach-ings being conveyed - complete and colour-in
    another picture puzzle - listen to a poem aboutAllah, the ‘Creator’
    Islam, theLESSON 3
    Five Pillars

  • learn about the ‘FivePillars’ of Islam- understand that they serveas the basis of the faith

  • realise that these five prac-tices distinguish Muslimsfrom those who follow falsereligions

  • appreciate that training program which AllahZakahhas prescribed for us to, Sawmand HajjSalahis the,
    accomplish the goal ofwholehearted submission toHim - understand that asking
    questions, arousing curiosi-ty, paying attention & listen-ing attentively are necessaryprerequisites to learning

  • listen to an extract beingread out by the teacherintroducing the ‘Five Pillars’of Islam

  • complete a word selectionexercise for comprehension- colour-in a Arabic words forenjoyment

  • search for words in a ‘WordRing’ & construct a sentence- investigate a ‘Sixth’ pillar- learn a new Ayahand a
    new - complete & colour-in a ofpicture for enjoyment- complete a pairing quizHadith

  • read a short story elucidat-ing the importance of the‘Five Pillars’ in Islam- identify the specific teach-
    ings of the story- colour-in another picturefor enjoyment- answer questions specifi-
    cally related to - complete and colour-in amaze puzzle- complete and colour-in aZakah

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The ‘LEARNERS PERFORMANCE’ should corre-spond to the rating given by the teacher at the endof the respective lesson
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