picture puzzle- match the pairs to learn thesignificance of each pillar- search for verses in the Holy
Qur’anrelated to the topic
The points collectively achieved between TOTALexcellent, good& satisfactoryvis-a-
vis poorwill determine a positive or negative result on the part of the learner.
performance ASSESSMENT
RespectLESSON 1
for Allah
- learn about the implica-tions of showing due respectto Allah - appreciate that respect for
Allah means showingrespect to all His sacredsymbols, especially the HolyQur’an - understand that by recitingthe hearts become filled withfaith and love for AllahQur’anour
- recognize that Allah givesrespect and success tothose who show due respectto Him
- realise that the piousMuslim is the most sacredsymbol of Allah on earth - discover a Muslim always
sacrifices his own comfortsfor the sake of Allah- listen to an extract beingread out by the teacherabout respect for Allah- rewrite words & a key sen-
tence for emphasis- complete sentences usinga word list- learn a new Ayahand a
new - read a short story reflectingthe virtue of respect for thesacred symbols of Allah Hadith - identify the specific teach-ings being conveyed - search for words in a wordmaze
- colour-in a picture forenjoyment- construct simple sentencesrelated to the topic
- unscarmble letters to dis-cover hidden words- emphasize importantpoints to remember
- identify words that correctlydescribe ‘Respect for Allah’
RespectLESSON 2
- listen to an extract beingread out by the teacherabout respect for Allah- rewrite words & a key sen-
- learn about the Islamicteachings regarding respectfor Living Creatures- discover that all living crea-
tures are signs of Allah andthat to gain knowledge ofthese living creatures is toincrease our faith in Allah. - understand that only truefaith in Allah as the Creatorand Cherisher of all livingcreatures can engender in
the hearts of people respectand concern for everythingcreated- recognize that the holy
Prophet Muhammad [s]loved and showed greatrespect to all living creaturesand that we too must do the
same- discover that animals toofeel fear and sadness.- learn that not only are we
required to care for all livingcreatures but in turn they toobenifit us.- learn about theIslamic teachings regarding - listen to an extract beingread out by the teacherabout respect for LivingCreatures
- use a mirror to read aninverted sentence- complete sentences usinga word list
- learn a new new - draw a variety of animals - find names of endangeredHadith Ayahand a
animals in a word search - draw a little sparrow usinga grid- read a short story about
respect for Living Creatures- identify the specific teach-ings being conveyed - solve a maze - colour-in a picture- list the benifits certain ani-mals give us- explore ways to show
respect for Living Creatures- search for a verse in theHoly purpose of Living CreaturesQur’andescribing the - listen to an extract being
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The ‘LEARNERS PERFORMANCE’ should corre-spond to the rating given by the teacher at the endof the respective lesson
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RespectLESSON 3
for Living
respect toward others- recognize that truerespect, love and brother-hood between the people of
the world can be achievedonly if all human beingsrealise that they are ser-
read out by the teacherabout respect for Mankind- distinguish between acts ofrespect and disrespect
- complete a true & falseexercises for comprehension- learn a new new Hadith Ayahand a