The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

No discussion of belief would be complete without exploring the huge role
that vision and self-motivation have in building stronger beliefs and facilitat-
ing increasing accomplishments. How do you believe in something that hasn’t
yet happened for you? Visualization creates that breakthrough.



Your attitude is composed of all these elements of belief. It becomes your out-
look on things—what’s possible and what still needs work. With strong belief,
virtually anything is possible; certainly success in network marketing is, with
enough work engaging in smart actions. Without belief, however, one’s hopes
for success in this business (or any endeavor) are effectively doomed. We all
have a choice—to build our beliefs or not. What you truly believe is what you
become. Where you believe you’ll get to is the limit of how high you’ll go. If
you get there, and you then want more, you’ll simply need to expand your vi-
sion and create new, empowering beliefs that can propel you even higher!
Change your beliefs, and you’ll change who you are, what level of contribu-
tion you’ll make, and what level of rewards, satisfaction, and influence you’ll
ultimately enjoy.

Art Burleigh’s background is in corporate law and marketing. He worked his
way up from the mail room at Universal Studios into the law department in the
1970s while attending law school at night. Art then got involved in marketing,
but he was always looking for a way to obtain some equity in what he was do-
ing and maybe also develop residual income. Network marketing hooked him
in 1988. Twelve companies later, he feels he was blessed to find the company
he’s now been with for more than nine years. He worked part-time for over four
years before going full-time. Since late 2000, Art has been chairman of the Ex-
ecutive Field Advisory Council for that company. His team of more than
150,000 distributors now spans the North American continent. Together,
they’ve moved more than $93 million in products for this company, and they’ve
taken home over $54 million in team commissions.
Art and his wife, Marlyn, have been married for 25 years and live in the
Los Angeles area. Their son, Seth is finishing up his undergrad studies at Berke-
ley. Because Art and Marlyn believe that travel isn’t a luxury—it’s homework


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