The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

for a meaningful life—they’ve benefited from the strong residual “mailbox
money” their network marketing business has consistently generated by taking
numerous family trips over the years andtheir commission checks always
poured into their mailbox every week while they were gone.
Art and Marlyn now work their network marketing business full-time
from their home, and they enjoy helping others discover a way to create an ex-
tra stream of strong, recurring income so they can enjoy more options and get
where they really want to go in life—much sooner, and in style!
Art’s web site at offers valuable support tools, in-
sights, and training resources for those seeking to accelerate their quest to en-
hance their lifestyles through the mastery of network marketing.

Belief: Why It’s So Vital, How to Build It, Who’s Responsible 77
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