The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

You try to help me by yelling, “Get more motivated!”
I immediately write a cheery song about chocolate chip cookies, dance
the chocolate chip cookie dance, and cheer with enthusiasm... but still no
chocolate chip cookies.
The only way that I can make chocolate chip cookies is if you give me a
cookbook that tells me exactly what to do. No amount of positive thinking or
motivation will do the trick. I have to have some skills. I have to know about
ingredients and what to do with the ingredients. Now granted, I may not
make the best chocolate chip cookies in the world the first time I try, but I will
be able to make chocolate chip cookies. Skills make a difference. And insuffi-
cient skills are what hold back new distributors from contacting people and
exposing their business.
Most new distributors talk to a few people who tell them, “I am too
busy. You are crazy. I don’t do those sort of things. I am not a salesman. It’s a
pyramid. I can’t see myself doing that business.”
And what happens?
The new distributor quits because he hates getting the constant rejection.
Instead of getting the new distributor motivated to go out and get con-
stant rejection, why don’t we do this? Why don’t we teach the new distributor
the skills necessary to get the prospects to say, “Yes, tell me more”?
Let’s teach our distributors exactly what to say and exactly what to do
to get prospects to lean forward and ask us for a presentation.

Tom “Big Al” Schreiter writes the “Fortune Now Newsletter for Leaders” and
is the author of six books on network marketing. With more than 30 years of
network marketing experience, Tom gives live workshops throughout the
world. You can reach him by e-mailing [email protected].
You can read some of his books and newsletters free at http://www.fortune and at


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