The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

the networker wants and needs. Nonmanipulative prospecting is client-cen-
tered. It focuses on the needs and desires of the prospect.
A person who is looking at the business proposition you are offering
wants to know just one thing: What’s in it for me? If you want to add power
to your persuasion, personalize every part of your presentation to meet your
prospect’s own personal needs and wants.


Powerful persuaders seek to close sales or enroll new distributors by pleasing
their prospects. When prospects become excited about the idea of owning
what you’re selling, they become customers. When they become excited about
realizing how your income opportunity can have an impact on their lives,
they become associates and partners in your business.
Professional salespeople know that they can’t force their prospects to
buy. Their challenge is to make them wantto buy. So they seek to please
them in so many ways that they create the desire to buy. Successful net-
workers know that they can’t make their prospects build a networking
business. Sure, they might talk the prospect into enrolling and maybe even
buying some products, but if the prospect is ever to build a significant net-
working business, the prospect must eventually become self-motivated and
take the consistent and persistent actions required to achieve significant
levels of success.


Savvy networkers don’t make statements they can’t back up with facts and
stories to demonstrate their points. And they don’t expect their prospects to
accept at face value everything they say. They are always prepared to prove
every claim they make—to back up those claims with hard data, with test re-
sults, and with testimonials from satisfied customers and successful business
builders. One of the best ways to persuade by proving is to give proof state-
ments from people who are happy with your products or services. Third-
party endorsements go a long way in building credibility for your claims and
for your products.
Facts combined with testimonials are very persuasive. Learn to use
them, and become a powerful persuader. An old cliché says, “Facts tell and
stories sell.” The masterful networker uses facts to appeal to the logical, left-
brained aspects of the prospect’s personality while adding stories to entertain
and enroll their emotional side.


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