The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

to share with others—why you love the company and why you are sharing
their products. It is the music you sing to others. Your enthusiasm is infec-
tious. It radiates in your face and in your voice, and others will instinctively
want to join you.

Passion for the Compensation Plan

Build your belief in your company’s compensation plan and share this with
conviction as well. Let others know what sets your plan apart from others.
Speak to why it is so powerful in supporting distributors to create residual in-
come. Borrow success stories from other people in your company if you are
just getting started. Stories are what get people excited about the business.

Passion in Your Abilities

The very most important element to success is to believe in yourself. You can
do this, and you can do it with intensity and with passion. Believe you can.
The only thing that stands between you and what you want from life is the
question of whether you have the will to try it and the faith to believe that it’s


Once you have your belief structure and passion in place, establish your goals
and your business plan for building your organization. Make a commitment
to work your business consistently and persistently and stay laser-focused on
your goals and dreams.
If you wish to go to the top, you will need to stretch yourself and build
your team through many modalities. Start with your warm market first. If
you don’t approach your warm market, someone else will. Learn to acquire
referrals from your warm market. You will never run out of people to talk to
if you ask for referrals. For example, you can say, “I just started my own busi-
ness and I am looking for some entrepreneurial people who want to generate
a secondary income. Do you know anyone?” Develop some approaches that
are powerful and will create curiosity. Then use the tools available to you
from your company’s web site, CDs, DVDs, brochures, catalogs, and the like.
The key to building a massive organization and income is to create duplica-
tion within your group. People are not duplicable, but systems and tools are.
Develop a system for recruiting for your organization.
By using the company’s tools, people whom you are approaching will
think to themselves, “I can do this! I can hand out and refer people to the
company tools.” Then ask your people who have reviewed the tools this sim-


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