The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

ple question: “Have I given you enough information to make a decision to-
day?” When they say yes to your business, it is imperative to get them into ac-
tion as soon as possible. Set a time to interview your new distributors. Find
out what their goals are and why they are pursuing the business. Once you es-
tablish their needs, help them achieve their goals.
Every successful business begins with a plan. The following interview
will help you develop your plan and should be conducted with every associate
you enroll. (Take notes to keep on file, and record name and date of inter-

  1. What is it about the company that attracts you?

  2. What is it about the network marketing industry that attracts you?

  3. What could possibly hold you back from taking full advantage of
    this opportunity? What obstacles do you foresee (spouse, time,
    money, confidence, etc.)?

  4. How much money would you need to add to your income this
    month to be happier or more comfortable? How much money
    would you need to add to your income in the next six months to
    feel good about your business?

  5. When your business is successful, what do you see being different
    in your life in one year? in three to five years?

  6. Are you willing to learn and follow a proven system? Are you will-
    ing to refer people to a web site and give CDs and DVDs to inter-
    ested people?

  7. Write down the days and times you will reserve for your business.
    How many hours per day? When will you do this? What time will
    you use to follow up with contacts?

  8. How much time are you willing to invest initially per week?

  9. How much money can you invest on a monthly basis to get your
    business going?

  10. Do you like to work on the phone? Do you like to work on the In-

  11. Do you have a large circle of influence?

  12. Do you enjoy working with people and making personal contacts?
    Where do you come into contact with people in your daily activities
    (shopping, PTA, gym, organizations, etc.)?

  13. What resources do you have available (computer, fax, membership
    in organizations or clubs)?

  14. What is your commitment level to be successful?

Finding Passion in Your Business 115
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