The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

My personal experience with building three successful network market-
ing businesses is you have to sponsor a lot of people to find the ones with de-
sire and motivation. Once you find these people, help them become leaders.
Work with them by doing three-way calls, home presentations, and meetings.
Develop self-sustaining leaders who can stand on their own. Have fun with
your team. Build that loyalty and relationship that are unstoppable. Creating
that team concept can be your way to building the long-term relationships
that are crucial to your success.
One exercise I do every morning before getting up is that I ask myself
this magic question: What do I have to be grateful for? After reflecting on these
positive things in my life, I start my day with zest and passion for the world. I
also have written down all these things that I am grateful for and keep them by
my desk so I can reflect on them throughout the day. This keeps me laser-fo-
cused on my goals and keeps my heart passionate about what I am doing.
Discovering, defining, and acting in accord with your purpose naturally
leads to passion. Many of us try to get passionate about our goals. That doesn’t
always work because passion comes from being who we are, not doing what
we can. Our vision generates passion—the driving force, the desire and zest
for life that are unstoppable! Lead your business with enthusiasm and joy,
and you can achieve your objectives. Network marketing is free enterprise at
its best. Develop a passion and love for it, and it can be the vehicle to realizing
all your dreams.

For 18 years, Kathy Coover was a practicing dental hygienist. Although she
loved her profession, she was looking for something new to do with her life that
had the potential to profoundly impact others. In 1990, Kathy became involved
in network marketing. That’s when all the excitement began.
Kathy escalated to the top of three separate companies and has generated
millions in income. With the first company, she built an organization of 40,000
people and had 10 separate million-dollar earner legs. She eventually sold that
business and then duplicated her previous success record in the next company.
Kathy was the fastest person in the company’s history to achieve Diamond sta-
tus, and she was also the first female to accomplish this amazing level of suc-
cess. Kathy continued to work hard and became a Double Diamond, producing
nine Diamond organizations. Through her success, she has helped several peo-
ple become six- and even seven-figure earners.
As a nationally recognized and respected field leader and trainer in
the direct sales industry, Kathy has developed training and support systems that
have helped tens of thousands of entrepreneurs achieve new levels of success.

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