The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1



Finding Your North Star

Shannon Anima


went back to the grocery store last week and asked for a refund for some
cheese I bought and later couldn’t find in my grocery bags. The store
cheerfully refunded my money and apologized for their error. As you can
probably guess, I found the cheese this week moldering beneath some
leafy greens in the bottom of my refrigerator. This is not a big moral
dilemma, just a small one: Shall I bother to own up and return the $6 to the
grocery store?
Not a big thing, but life tends to be made up of the small choices that
accumulate and create a clear path of action (or nonaction) when the bigger
decisions come up. I’m talking to a potential customer for my networking
enterprise and she is ready to purchase some products; do I point out that
the package plan is a better bargain for her, if it doesn’t benefit my business
as much?
In some circles, network marketing has a bad name, and sometimes
there are individuals and companies that deserve that reputation when
their core values are lost to greed. Ironically, it is often the snake oil sales-
man advocating virtue and good deeds who has a rationalizing explanation
for dishonest maneuvers in business. In business, as in the rest of life, the
guilty seldom own their selfish choices and are adept at shifting away from
If my name and my integrity are associated with the network marketing
industry, I want it to reflect honorable ideals. I am constantly in a state of in-
quiry about my own motives and intentions in my business. It can be an awk-
ward balance at times to avoid being immobilized by indecision while
questioning motivation. It’s a follow-the-heart kind of intuition that will help
to hold you to your right path, while refusing to inculcate the rhetoric of
every presenter and company official.
At 3 A.M. in a hotel room after a sumptuous celebration buffet, my hus-
band and I were offered a very lucrative opportunity to work closely with a
top earner in our company. Although we were very flattered as neophyte
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