The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

could share this project with a friend, a business partner, or with a team on a
training day. Or you can take just 15 minutes every day for a week to reassess
and reset your life’s purpose with meaning and integrity.

Values Assessment
A. Write out the 10 most important things in your life:

B. Remember a time when you were a kid that you experienced as joy-
ous. Describe it fully.
C. What do you want to accomplish and enjoy in the rest of your life?
Write for five minutes without interruption. If you run out of ideas
just write “I’m out of ideas” until a new idea comes along.
D. What would you want to do, who would you be with, and where
would you be if you had just six months to live? Imagine that you
would be healthy but know your life will end in six months. Write
for five minutes without stopping.
E. Put these 12 values in order from first to last according to their im-
portance to you:

  • Creativity

  • Freedom

  • Achievement

  • Trustworthiness

  • Excellence

  • Commitment

Finding Your North Star 123
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