The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

  • Service

  • Integrity

  • Respect

  • Joy

  • Persistence

  • Love

F. What other values would be on your Very Important Values list?
G. Now make it a Foundation Five Values list.

H. Reread all you have written about your values, about what is of
deepest importance to you, about what brings you joy, and about
what fulfills you. How do you want to express your values in your
life beginning today? Write for five minutes without stopping.

Unless we have truly taken the time to answer these questions for our-
selves, we will not be able to convey to others at the conscious and subcon-
scious levels the clear message that we are working with absolute integrity in
an industry of real contribution.
When approaching new prospects, take the time to inquire about
their lives, their interests, and their goals. Reflect back not only the story
you’ve heard but also some of the values you’ve perceived within the story.
“Dennis, I can tell that contribution and service are really important in
your life.” “Alice, I can hear that you really value health, and that excel-
lence is a value you live in your business and your life. Is that true for
you?” When we reflect back the values that we perceive, we tell our
prospects that they are being listened to at a deeply meaningful level. We
convey that we care. When we share some of our own goals and values in
our lives and our business, we indicate that we are trustworthy and princi-
pled. Begin with values.
Help your downline members to be clear about their goals, as well as
about the values that are foundation to the goals. Values connect not just
to the head and the emotions, but to the soul and spirit level with our
friends and business partners. By examining values, we develop depth in


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