The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

distributors who themselves become leaders. Your rock-solid belief and the
enthusiasm with which you present yourself and your opportunity will be the
key to your success.
Let’s step back a minute and examine where you are. You have now
found the right company with the right business plan. You have examined the
compensation plan and it works for you. Your family is supportive and you
have a fire in your belly. It is now time to learn the business as well as you can
and put what you learn to work. Plan your work and work your plan. Don’t
get discouraged because at some point along the way to success you will likely
hit the wall. Keep on plugging, inspired by the reasons that had you join your
company in the first place, and it will be well worth it in the long run. If you
work your business with all of the energy that you can muster, you will
achieve success and, as a result, life will never be the same.
Network marketing companies possess several key components that will
ensure that the residual income created will last long into the future. Every el-
ement does not have to be present to the same degree in every program, but
there is a relationship between the reliability of the income and the presence
of the following elements:

  • High demand.

  • Great value.

  • Limited competition.

  • Affordable pricing.

  • Continuous need.

  • Ready availability.

  • Geographic availability.

  • Products or services backed by a guarantee or warranty.

It is critical that once a customer or distributor has made the initial
commitment to the product or service, the revenue is repeatable without ef-
fort. What makes it work is that the benefits outweigh the costs, yielding
the ability to keep on adding new customers and distributors without los-
ing old ones.
Network marketing has traditionally been an eyeball-to-eyeball,
belly-to-belly business. That method has worked for decades and will for
decades to come, but in today’s world of the Internet and electronic mar-
keting, more and more people are finding success without stepping away
from their telephone and computer. The best way is the way that works
best for you. In a large organization, success will typically result from a
combination of techniques, but never forgetting the basics of people-to-
people, relationship marketing.


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