The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

“I can’t do what you just did.
“Nor do I want to do to my friends or associates what you just did.
“And I don’t have the time to do what you just did.”
In essence, you won the battle but you lost the war and immediately the
duplication has stopped.
Successful network marketing leaders know there is an opportunity
when someone says no to what they are offering. If someone tells you that
your opportunity or product is not for them right now, you want two things
from them:

  1. “Yes, you can continue to keep me updated.”

  2. “Yes, I can give you referrals.”

Again, if your approach is complicated, cumbersome, and very aggressive,
most people will say:

  1. “No, I really don’t want you to do this to me again.”

  2. “No, I would not expose you to my associates.”


My friends John and Brian joined our network marketing company during
the same week. Both were in their late twenties, and had similar back-
grounds, similar centers of influence, and similar lifestyles. After six
months, Brian’s group was about the same size as John’s. After 12 months,
Brian’s group was 10 times bigger than John’s. After 24 months, John had
about 100 distributors in his group and was making about $1,000 in resid-
ual income each month from his business. Creating $1,000 a month in pas-
sive, ongoing income after only twenty-four months of part-time work is
pretty darn good. Outside of network marketing, it would be pretty hard
for the average person to do. However, Brian’s group was 50 times larger
and so was his bonus check. Yes, Brian’s check was $50,000 per month and
I’m sure you’ll agree those are H-U-G-E numbers, especially after work-
ing the business for only 24 months! Same backgrounds, same company, same
compensation plan, different results. Why? Probably a number of reasons.
However, the fact that Brian had a simple, effective, and focused method of
operation was without a doubt the single biggest reason.


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