The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

Brian knew that in order for his distributors to be successful, they had
to always be the messenger and not the message!
Most people get involved and think it’s their job to personally tell the
world about this business. It’s not. The people who make the most money are
the ones who use third-party tools to share the story.
If you are taking an hour to do the explanation, you might do great and
sign up your prospect—but they’ll say, “I can’t do what you did!”
Instead, Brian stuck to a simple enrollment process:

  1. Pique the prospect’s interest.

  2. Get them the information.

  3. Sign them up.

  4. Repeat the process.

So let’s go through the process and the skills a distributor would have to
learn to be successful.

First Skill: Where to Find Prospects

Learning to create prospects is something every organization should be able
to help you with and too broad a subject for this article.

Second Skill: Piquing a Prospect’s Interest

You can pique interest with an opening sentence like: “Are you the kind of
person who keeps an open mind to a business opportunity?” Or “Would you
be open to learning how to make an extra weekly paycheck?” If the prospect
says yes, the tendency is to tell the prospect about your opportunity. Stop!
Just pique interest and hand the presentation over to the third-party tools.
Don’t spill the beans. Talking will kill your business. Only lead them to the
tools, and let technology do the presentation for you.

Third Skill: Creating Interest in the Third-Party Tool

Use an audio, a video, a web site presentation, a recorded message, a faxable
slide presentation, a three-way call with your sponsor, a conference call, or a
CD presentation. You could say something like: “Take a look at this. It’ll
knock your socks off. It may or may not be for you but it’ll take only 14 min-
utes of your time.” Or “What’s on this video is making many people a for-
tune. It may or may not be for you but it’ll take only 14 minutes of your
time.” Or “I think you’ll really like the part near the end about how most
people do our business every day, but they just aren’t getting paid for it!” Or


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