The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

“Be sure to listen for the part about the two-year story. It’s really funny! I
laughed out loud when I first heard that story.” Or “I’m going to loan this CD
to you. But I’ll need it back in three days because I have others waiting to lis-
ten to it.”
You get the idea.
Once you’ve directed them to the third-party tool, here’s what you’ll
Absolutely nothing!
If they ask questions, simply tell them the CD does a much better job of
answering their questions than you can.
During the time it would normally take you to give a 30-minute presen-
tation to one prospect, you could’ve handed out 10 CDs. Same amount of
time, but in one case, the story is told one time; in the other case, it’s being
told 10 times.

Fourth Skill: Effective Follow-Up

Handing out 10 CDs is effective only if the prospects actually listen to what’s
on the CD.
Here’s an example of effective follow-up. Call the prospect and ask:

You:“Did you have a chance to listen to the CD yet?”
You:“How long does it take you to drive to work?”
Prospect:“About 20 minutes.”
You:“Perfect. That’s how long it takes to listen to the CD. Could you
do me a favor and listen to the CD on your way to work tomorrow?”

Call them the next day and ask: “Did you have a chance to listen to the
CD yet?” Continue to create interest in the third-party tool until they listen to
it. Your job is to have them hear the story in its entirety. After all, they have a
need for what’s on the CD; otherwise they wouldn’t have agreed to listen to it.
Once they hear the story and decide the opportunity or product is not for
them, fine. But don’t let them decide until they’ve heard all the facts. The in-
formation could end up changing their lives for the better, forever.
Once the prospect has listened to the CD, all you need to ask is this:
“What did you like best about what you heard?”
If they say nothing, thank them for their time and ask them for referrals.
“Do you know anyone who would be interested in earning an extra weekly
paycheck working from home?”
If they say they like the product, sell them the product. If they say the
like the money part, ask them if they are ready to get started. If they are,
sponsor them.

Creating a Simple Yet Effective Method of Operation 163
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