The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

hour and in the other 30 minutes stick some more SizzleCards in places and
then when you come home, instead of coming straight home, take another 10
minutes and hand out some more. Is there any way possible you can try to get
out between 300 and 400 cards so we could have a lot of prospects generated
to call back, so we can see if this thing is going to work for you?” He’s proba-
bly going to say, “Sure, I’ll try.”
So, I’m going to get him trying harder than he would have because we
have a follow-up appointment already set.
Once we leave there, Joe looks at me and says, “Harry told you no.
Then you got him to get out cards and set an appointment to call prospects
back with you! That’s great!”
I say, “That’s right, who cares if he says no? He’s only saying no until it
works and then he’s going to say yes. All I have to do is show him that it works.”
Here’s what happens next.
Harry starts getting out SizzleCards and finding prospects. The
prospects leave the code number on my voice mailbox as part of the message
they leave me. So, as I’m checking my voice mail, I find all the code number
38 prospects. I then meet Harry on Tuesday and we start making some phone
calls. Maybe we talk to 15 people and five of them are his prospects. Every
time I ask the prospect, “Do you remember what code number was on that
card?” and they mention code number 38, I say, “Oh, I know who that is.”
Harry thinks, “Whoa, there’s one of mine,” and something clicks in his belief
level. Then we talk to another code 38 prospect and he says to himself,
“Wow, there’s another one of mine.” Click! And maybe out of five people, we
set two appointments.
At the end, Harry is going to say something like, “Gee, Beatty, you just
read that script word for word.”
I say, “That’s right, Harry, that’s pretty simple, isn’t it?”
“Do you think that you could read that script word for word?”
“Well, yeah, I could read that.”
You see, I’ve taken all the mystery out of building this business by
having Harry listen to me make phone calls. As long as it’s a mystery, the
prospect doesn’t know if he or she can do it, but once I expose them to
what we really do, then it’s simple and believable. After Harry replies that
he could read that, I say, “Harry, if you can do that, you can make money
with this! You’ve shown you can get out SizzleCards. That was pretty easy,
wasn’t it?”
“And you see how simple it is making the phone calls, and you see how
easy it is setting those appointments, right?”
“Yeah, that’s pretty easy.”

Sponsoring a “No” 171
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