The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

Beatty Carmichael is president of GrowthPro, a leader in recruiting systems for
network marketers. Mr. Carmichael first started in network marketing in 1984
in college. As his business and career grew, he changed companies in 1995 to a
company with one million distributors. He and his business partner reached the
highest promotional level in that company in 12 months and were among its
highest income earners. In 1997, he formed GrowthPro to provide cutting-edge
recruiting tools and training to the industry.
Today, Mr. Carmichael and his company are known for their off-line and
online recruiting systems, their Sizzle Line prospecting voice mail, and their
straightforward approach to training networkers how to truly build their busi-
nesses. Their approach in teaching others has been so successful that Growth-
Pro is the only company that guarantees a minimum seven new recruits in 90
days or you can get a full refund of your money.
For more information about GrowthPro’s recruiting systems and how to
private label them for your team, or for free training and audios to help grow
your business, visit GrowthPro’s web site at or call
(205) 871-2998.

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