The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

  • Hold a regional rally every quarter.

  • Attend and promote the national conventions each year.

That is your entire management agenda. Spend 80 percent of your time
building your business, training in the field, and leading the troops. Spend
only 20 percent of your time in management mode. This is how you lead an
all-volunteer network marketing army. Remember at all times you are in the
people business. The better you understand human nature, the more powerful
you will have the opportunity to be.
Leadership is and always has been about people following their pas-
sions. Leaders who have large network marketing organizations have just
made those passions available to like-minded people and helped them to blaze
the trails.

Greg Arnold has been a leader in the network marketing industry for over 30
years. Greg’s networking career began when he was still a young man. While he
was stationed in Savannah, Georgia, he was earning more from his network
marketing efforts than from his military career. His network marketing earnings
were so high that the military even launched an investigation until they discov-
ered he was earning his money legitimately through network marketing.
In less than a year, Greg built an organization of more than 11,000 mem-
bers. Wanting to share his network marketing expertise, he wrote and published
The Multi-Level Mangler in King Arthur’s Court. The popularity of this book
has been nothing less than phenomenal. Network marketing industry leaders
often use Greg’s book to train their distributor teams.
Now living in his small hometown in southern Washington State, Greg
remains active in the network marketing industry as an author, distributor,
trainer, and consultant. He can be contacted at [email protected]. His
free generic network marketing training newsletter is available at http://www.mlm-


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