The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

people can see themselves able to do it, too, and are more likely to join you
in business. Commit to working this business for at least a year during
which you expose hundreds of people to your business opportunity and
products or services. The more people you expose your company to, the
richer you will become.
Your success is really a mathematical equation, or as some say, a num-
bers game. Whoever hands out the most company information packs and
samples makes the most money. So pick one or two methods that work for
you of reaching new prospects and give them all you have. Always remember,
you are the messenger and these systems present the message. Let them do the
presenting for you. After the system does the presentation, it is extremely im-
portant that you follow up with every one of your prospects to see what they
think. Is this something they could see doing themselves? On a scale of 1 to
10, where do they rate their interest? You’ll want to find the people who are
interested in joining at that time or have questions for you and your sponsor
or upline. Look for desire and a commitment to do what is necessary to
achieve success.
Building a large and successful long-term business is all about building
good relationships with people. The following are ways to find new prospects
after you first go to the people you know. Now have fun, stay focused, and
build strongly for your early retirement. Massive, focused, and consistent ac-
tion results in massive residual income.


Always start your prospecting efforts by making a list of everybody you can
think of. Start contacting those you would like to work with and think will be
receptive to considering your opportunity. Contact them first by e-mail, letter,
postcard, and/or phone. The phone is your greatest asset in this business, so
learn how to use it well. Even if you don’t think any of these people would be
interested, your circle of influence should be the first group of people you con-
tact. Even if they’re not interested, they probably know somebody who would
be. Ask them for referrals, too. If you’re afraid to tell them about your busi-
ness, then just focus on the incredible gift of fun, finances, and freedom you
are offering them. Be proud of this industry and your company and offer it as
you would any valuable gift.


Anybody can make some calls to notify others about their products and in-
come opportunity. After making a few calls, it will get much easier and you


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