The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

customers or prospects to your business. Plus, they become more confident in
their referrals because they understand who you can benefit.
The goal of an instant impact message is to become known as someone
so people remember you and the benefit you offer to your customers or in-
come opportunity prospects. For instance, “I am known as the Kick Start Guy
and I provide action steps that close the gap between goals and success” is the
message I use to open conversations. I use it on all my marketing materials so
people hear the same message repeatedly. This simple statement makes it easy
for people to refer to me their friends who have a dream or organizations that
help others achieve success.
Creating a winning instant impact message is really quite simple—just
focus on benefits. Focusing on the unique contribution your product or busi-
ness opportunity offers helps your business stand out from the competition,
and more importantly, it helps your customers remember you. Develop your
own winning message by:

  • Defining your “external intent.” How does your product, service, or
    income opportunity specifically benefit other people? Make a list of
    ideas by writing down anything that comes to mind. Do not edit.
    Some of my clients express this as, “My company helps our cus-
    tomers to.. .” or “Our income opportunity allows people to.. .”

  • Looking over your list and circling any key descriptive words—
    words that resonate with the benefits you provide that jump out at
    you. These words create an emotional foundation for your message.

  • Using only the circled key words to develop a shorter, stronger state-
    ment focusing on the key benefits your business provides. You can
    use connective words such as “a,” “an,” and “the,” but put an effort
    toward using just the key words you circled. Keep your message to
    less than 10 words, creating a powerful statement that people will be
    able to remember and repeat to others.

  • Saying the sentence aloud as though you were telling someone about
    your business at a cocktail party. Ask yourself, “Would they under-
    stand my business and the benefits I offer?” If not, rewrite your mes-
    sage until you can concisely state how your products, services, or
    income opportunity help other people succeed.

  • Sharing your new instant impact message with friends, family mem-
    bers, and colleagues. Remember the three rules to live by? Your in-
    stant impact message provides you with the ability to speak from
    your passion. Now is the time to listen to others’ input, write down
    the words they present, and revise your instant impact message as
    you deem appropriate.


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