The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

change and we can’t predict the future, so take note of all the ideas and re-
ferrals people present so you don’t lose them. A special note: Use the back
of the person’s business card to record their ideas and contacts. It helps you
keep track of who gave you the contact, resource, or strategy you needed
to succeed.
Octopus networking works like this:


The secret to success in life and business is to dream like a child, decide as an
adult. When you wake up in the morning or start a new sales or prospecting
task, look at the world through a child’s eyes and see the possibilities. Just as
a child does, ask for help when you need it. Frustration and nonaction set in
when we continually try the same task and expect different results.
Then decide as an adult. Use your intuition, experience, and knowledge
to decide on the next action step to take, and then take it! Tapping into the
possibilities and taking action energizes you to move forward and accomplish
your goals. And it shows people that you believe in yourself enough to actu-
ally act on suggestions and ideas presented to you.



Octopus networking starts with your ability to inform people about the bene-
fits your products or services provide. When people are looking to purchase
something, for themselves, their families, or their businesses, they immedi-
ately ask themselves, “How will I or my company benefit from this product
or service?” People analyze this question instantly—research has shown usu-
ally within 10 seconds. Therefore, you must be able to immediately and effec-
tively explain how your products or services will help them achieve success,
health, happiness, or some other benefit faster. Do not focus on describing
what it is but rather how it benefits the person with whom you are speaking.
Benefits move customers and opportunity prospects to action.
Ask yourself, “When a customer or prospect meets me or receives my
brochure, do they understand how I can help them?” “Do I have a message
about my product line or business that I can use to easily tell others about it?”
If not, it is time for you to create a winning “instant impact message.” An in-
stant impact message is a brief, powerful statement based on benefits that be-
gins every sales conversation. Benefits are simple to remember, making it
much easier for people to become part of your sales force by referring new

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